Spike Jonze

Spike Jonze – En dybdegående trivia artikel


Spike Jonze er en amerikansk film- og musikvideoinstruktør, manuskriptforfatter og skuespiller. Han blev født den 22. oktober 1969 i Rockville, Maryland, USA som Adam Spiegel. Hele hans karriere har været præget af kreativitet og nyskabelse. Udover at være en anerkendt filmkunstner er Jonze også kendt for sit arbejde inden for musikvideoer og reklamefilm. Lad os dykke ned i nogle af de mest interessante og unikke fakta om Spike Jonze.

Opsigtsvækkende fakta

  • Told Nicolas Cage to ignore all of his acting instincts for his role in Adaption – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002). Cage later received an Oscar Nomination for his performance in that movie.
  • Was originally set to direct Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button (2008) back in 2001, with a release planned for late 2002. However, he backed out to work on Adaption – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002).
  • One of the most renowned directors for music videos, Jonze has received numerous awards and recognition from MTV for his outstanding work in the medium.
  • He is also co-owner of the Girl skateboard company, showcasing his diverse interests and passions.
  • Jonze was an avid BMX freestyle rider in his youth, which likely contributed to his unique visual style and love for action sequences in his films.
  • Before George Lucas decided to direct it himself, Spike was in talks to direct Star Wars: Episode II – Angriff der Klonkrieger (2002).
  • Former son-in-law of Francis Ford Coppola, demonstrating his connections within the film industry.
  • Considered directing Die Geisha (2005) but was already in pre-production on Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen (2009), a personal pet project of his.
  • Has directed two actors and two actresses to an Oscar nomination: Catherine Keener, Chris Cooper, Meryl Streep, and Nicolas Cage. Chris Cooper won the Oscar for his supporting role in Adaption – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002).

Venskaber og samarbejdspartnere

Spike Jonze has formed close bonds with several notable individuals in the world of filmmaking and music. Good friends with musician Kanye West and director David Fincher, Jonze has often collaborated with them on various projects. He has also worked closely with music-video director Chris Cunningham, Charlie Kaufman, Catherine Keener, Nicole Holofcener, Miranda July, Bennett Miller, and Steven Soderbergh. These relationships attest to Jonzes ability to cultivate creative partnerships and his influence within the industry.

Spændende projekter og karrierevalg

Jonze has made interesting choices throughout his career, which have shaped his filmography. He started as a magazine editor and contributor before transitioning into film. Despite being offered opportunities to direct high-profile movies such as Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis (2005) and Human Nature – Die Krone der Schöpfung (2001), Jonze declined these offers and recommended other talented directors for the projects. This highlights his willingness to support other artists and his commitment to pursuing projects that align with his creative vision.

Musikvideogrænsesprængende](#musikvideograensespraengende) filmskaber

Spike Jonzes impact on the music video industry cannot be overstated. He has directed some of the most innovative and visually stunning music videos of all time. Notable examples include Fatboy Slims Weapon of Choice and Beastie Boys Sabotage. These music videos demonstrate Jonzes ability to transcend boundaries and push the limits of storytelling within the constraints of a short format. His influence on music videos is felt to this day, as he continues to inspire future generations of filmmakers in this medium.

Personlige relationer og baggrund

Spike Jonzes personal background and relationships have also shaped his career. He is the brother of Sam Spiegel, a film producer, and though often mistakenly associated with the famous novelty musician Spike Jones, they are not related. Jonze does, however, have a distant relative who is an heir to the Spiegel catalog fortune. Furthermore, Jonzes father came from a German Jewish and Russian Jewish family, while his mothers ancestry includes German, Scottish, and English roots. These diverse cultural influences likely contribute to the richness and diversity of Jonzes storytelling.


Spike Jonze er en unik og talentfuld kunstner, der har formet film- og musikvideolandskabet med sin innovative stil og kreative valg. Gennem sine film, musikvideoer og reklamer har Jonze bevist sig som en sand mester og et ikon inden for brancen. Med sin uforlignelige evne til at forbløffe og inspirere publikum vil vi med sikkerhed se flere spændende værker fra denne enestående instruktør i fremtiden.


Titel Rolle År
Her Producer, Writer, Director 2013
Three Kings – Es ist schön König zu sein Conrad Vig 1999
Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen Writer 2009
Being John Malkovich Director 1999

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Hvordan har Spike Jonze bidraget til filmen Adaptation – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002)?

Spike Jonze instruerede filmen Adaptation – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002) og instruerede også Nicolas Cage til at ignorere sine instinkter som skuespiller til sin rolle i filmen. Cage modtog senere en Oscar-nominering for sin præstation i filmen.

Hvorfor trak Spike Jonze sig fra at instruere filmen Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button (2008)?

Spike Jonze var oprindeligt indstillet på at instruere filmen Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button (2008) tilbage i 2001, med planlagt udgivelse i slutningen af ​​2002. Han trak sig dog tilbage for at arbejde på filmen Adaptation – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002).

Hvad er Spike Jonze kendt for inden for musikvideoer?

Spike Jonze er en af de mest anerkendte instruktører inden for musikvideoer, og han har modtaget talrige priser og anerkendelse fra MTV for sit fremragende arbejde inden for genren.

Hvad er Spike Jonzes forbindelse til skateboardindustrien?

Han er medejer af skateboardselskabet Girl.

Hvordan var Spike Jonzes interesse for BMX i sin ungdom?

Spike Jonze var en ivrig BMX-freestyle-rytter i sin ungdom.

Hvordan var Spike Jonze involveret i filmen Synecdoche, New York (2008)?

Spike Jonze var oprindeligt tiltænkt rollen som instruktør for filmen Synecdoche, New York (2008), men valgte i stedet at tage rollen som producer for at færdiggøre filmen Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen (2009).

Hvilken mulighed for at instruere en stor filmprojekt havde Spike Jonze i forhold til George Lucas?

Før George Lucas besluttede at instruere filmen selv, var Spike Jonze i samtaler om at instruere Star Wars: Episode II – Angriff der Klonkrieger (2002).

Hvad er Spike Jonzes forbindelse til Francis Ford Coppola?

Han er tidligere svigersøn til Francis Ford Coppola.

Overvejede Spike Jonze at instruere filmen Die Geisha (2005)?

Spike Jonze overvejede at instruere filmen Die Geisha (2005), men han var allerede i forproduktion på sin egen passionprojekt, filmen Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen (2009).

Hvilke skuespillere har Spike Jonze instrueret til en Oscar-nominering?

Spike Jonze har instrueret Catherine Keener (Bedste kvindelige birolle for Being John Malkovich (1999)), Chris Cooper (Bedste mandlige birolle for Adaptation – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002)), Meryl Streep (Bedste kvindelige birolle for Adaptation – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002)) og Nicolas Cage (Bedste mandlige hovedrolle for Adaptation – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002)). Chris Cooper vandt en Oscar for sin rolle i Adaptation – Der Orchideen-Dieb (2002).

Andre populære skuespillere: Reese WitherspoonNick NolteRosemarie MosbækShah Rukh KhanAlan RitchsonSacha Baron CohenSamuel L. JacksonOlivia NewmanJosh HutchersonDeborra-Lee FurnessElias KoteasHugh DancyEmily BluntBrendan FraserMissy PeregrymWentworth MillerJason SudeikisSibi BlazicAlano MillerBoyd HolbrookSteve CarellKate HudsonUlrich SeidlHarry CollettJemaine ClementRiley DandyEva GreenTanya HansenCorey MylchreestTom SchwartzYuri LowenthalLisa TeigeDakota FanningTony GilroyCarson RowlandGemma ChanMelissa NewmanEjnar Hans JensenAri AsterJosephine ParkChristopher AbbottMarzia KjellbergJavier BardemSarah YoungDevrim LingnauKrysten RitterJulian OzanneLiv TylerKirsty MitchellMatthew Gray GublerRyan HurstArmand AssanteAlex HorneMiles TellerRonen RubinsteinKathleen RobertsonJakob Femerling AndersenKirsten CeniusJim GaffiganJennifer GarnerCalam LynchCharithra ChandranColton HaynesRebecca FergusonPierson WodzynskiDiego CalvaJason BatemanJacob ThuesenMatthew McConaugheyGlen PowellToni ColletteMax IronsSung KangDiane GaetaVicki BerlinKenjirô TsudaLuke EvansKristy SwansonNick CannonRussell CroweColeman Coley LaffoonRupert GrintOmar SharifHaley Bennett